Before playing in Mythic League, all players must have completed the Account Setup / Authorization process. Before completing this players may need to:

  • Register and configure a FACEIT account (if you do not already have a FACEIT account).
  • Create a Discord Account (if you do not already have a Discord account).

In order to provide an extra level of protection and deterrence against Smurfs and Ban Evaders Mythic League has a minimum match limit policy. This requires that all accounts must have completed a certain number of ELO enabled matches before they are allowed to play in Mythic League. Below are the current minimum match limits per division:

Bronze - 15 matches
Silver - 25 matches
Gold - 50 matches
Ruby - 100 matches

These limits are subject to change at any time, although the community will be notified if a change is made.


Captains are assigned by Leaderboard Position (Diamond & Ruby Divisions) or ELO (Bronze, Silver, and Gold Divisions). The captain with the highest position picks first. The pick phase is structured ABBAABBA.


Maps are chosen similarly to the location veto. The assigned captains in the match take turns banning one map until a final map remains. The map pool is as follows:

  • Anubis
  • Ancient
  • Inferno
  • Mirage
  • Nuke
  • Overpass
  • Vertigo

All servers have the official competitive ruleset that is used for majors.

All team members have the ability to pause the game by typing !pause in the game's all-chat.

Each team has 5 minutes of pause ability at their disposal. We recommend using this sparingly or for when calling an admin.


The location is chosen by the assigned captains for the match during the voting phase. The captains take turns dropping a location until a final location is decided. The following server locations are available for usage:

  • North America
    • Chicago
    • Dallas
    • Denver

Overtime is enabled for all matches in the case of a tie after 24 rounds of regulation play.

The format for overtime is $12,500 Max Rounds 3.


English must be spoken at all times in all areas of Mythic League.

This includes but is not limited to: Communicating with admins, Discord voice and text, in-game voice and text, hub overview chat and direct messages.

You must own and use a functioning microphone to participate in Mythic League. Players who are found to be without a functioning microphone will be temporarily suspended until they can prove to an admin that they have a functioning microphone.

All players must be present in their team’s Discord or TeamSpeak (Diamond only) channel for the duration of the match and communicate therein (unless specified by an admin to use in-game communication).

Players that have successfully authorized but are not present in their team’s Discord channel or refuse to join will receive a minimum Failure to Communicate penalty of 24 hours.

Players that have successfully authorized whom refuse to communicate in their team’s Discord channel will receive a minimum Failure to Communicate penalty of 24 hours.

Ongoing games are not eligible for cancellation due to technical issues with Discord. If technical issues arise the following applies:

  • In-game communication will be used in the event of a Discord service outage while a game is in-progress.
  • Manual matchrooms in Discord will be made available if the AUTO-VOIP Mover is offline. Players are expected to organize themselves into these numbered rooms before their game begins.
  • An admin must be contacted before any rounds have been completed if a player does not have a functioning microphone.

Matches may only be cancelled under the following criteria or circumstances:


If a server issue presents itself before ten (10) rounds have been completed an admin will have the ability to cancel the match.

Server instability is defined as:

"an issue that is clear and identifiable by an admin either independently OR through evidence supplied to an admin by the players. The admin will observe or the evidence will clearly show that: the server has poor performance in the form of high latency, significantly high variance or crashing."

Server issues should clearly be seen to affect the majority of players connected.

Acceptable evidence from players should be:

  • net_graph screenshots clearly showing an issue (an admin may ask you to type "status" in the console and then provide a screenshot of the result)
  • In-game clips or Twitch VODs that show beyond doubt that the server is the issue

This evidence must be available upon demand and provided before the game can be considered for cancellation.

Cancellations for Server Instability are not guaranteed, the investigating admin will make an informed decision on the need for cancellation.

Server Instability issues that occur after 10 rounds are complete will require the majority (3/5 players) of both teams to agree to a cancellation. If no agreement can be reached the match will continue.


Occasionally a situation may arise where a new player to the League has either failed to authorize their Discord before queueing or is unable to join the Discord server altogether.

In this case, it is the responsibility of the players to contact an admin as early as possible.

If you discover a player on your team is not in Discord, the following applies:

  1. You must contact an admin from your match room.
  2. You must toggle your !pause to prevent the game from progressing further.
  3. You must inform the admin of the situation appropriately and specify the player's FACEIT username.

If no rounds have been completed, the admin will make one of the following decisions:

  1. Move the players on your team to a private match channel and the match will continue. This is our preferred method to resolve this situation and will always be the first option.
  2. Rehost the game. If the player needs more time to join or complete authorization, the game may be rehosted with the same configuration.
  3. Cancel the match. If there is no indication that the player’s Discord issues will be resolved in reasonable time then game may be cancelled allowing teammates to requeue.

If one (1) or more rounds have been completed, the admin will make one of the following decisions:

  1. Move the players on your team to a private match channel and the match will continue. This is our preferred method to resolve this situation and will always be the first option.
  2. Rehost the game. If the player needs more time to join or complete authorization, the game may be rehosted with the same configuration if both teams agree in the majority (3/5 players).
  3. Instruct players to use in-game communication for this game only. If both teams do not agree to a rehost, the game will not be cancelled and players are to use in-game comms.

Counter-Strike is a competitive game and often causes high tempers or frustration. A minority of players sometimes choose to leave a game early creating issues for the other players. If you wish to cancel a game due to a teammate leaving there are two sets of procedure as detailed below.

If a player leaves your match before 6 rounds have been completed, the following applies:

  1. You must contact an admin before 6 rounds have been completed.
  2. You must toggle your !pause and call an admin immediately.
  3. You must not wait until your pause time is used before contacting an admin.

The responding admin will confirm that you are paused and will investigate to the best of their ability whether a player intends to rejoin the game or not. If communication with the player is not possible the admin will ask the team that called the admin to wait an appropriate amount of time to give the player a chance to rejoin.

If the player does not intend to rejoin, fails to rejoin within the 5 minute cooldown OR the given time that an admin states, the player will receive a 24 hour queue cooldown and the game will be cancelled.

If a player leaves your match after 6 rounds have been completed, the following applies:

  1. You must toggle your !pause and call an admin.
  2. You must have already established with the other team that their majority (3/5 players) will agree to a cancel.

The responding admin will confirm that you are paused and will contact the other team to confirm that they agree in the majority to cancel the game.

If the other team indicates their agreement to cancel, the leaving player will receive a 24 hour queue cooldown and the game will be cancelled.

If the other team indicates that they do not agree to cancel then the game will be played out. The leaving player will still receive a 24 hour queue cooldown.


If multiple players leave from one team after 6 rounds have been completed, the following applies:

  1. You must contact an admin from the match page.
  2. You must toggle your !pause.

The responding admin will confirm that you are paused and identify which users have left the game. They will be given the standard window of five (5) minutes OR a given time that the admin states to return to the game.

If there is no indication that players will return and continue the game, the admin responding will manually set the score of the game to a win (1-0) in the enemy team's favor (the team without leavers). This will end the game, causing ELO and leaderboard points to be added or subtracted in the same manner as a standard win or loss for each team. All players who did not reconnect (or refused to reconnect) will be issued a 48 hour leaver ban.

If multiple players leave from both teams after 6 rounds have been completed, the following applies:

  1. You must contact an admin from the match page.
  2. You must toggle your !pause.

The responding admin will confirm that you are paused and identify which users have left the game. They will be given the standard window of five (5) minutes OR a given time that the admin states to return to the game.

If there is no indication that players will return and continue the game, the admin responding will cancel the match. All players who did not reconnect (or refused to reconnect) will be deducted the full leaderboard point amount for a loss as well as being issued a 48 hour leaver ban.


Counter-Strike is a competitive game and often causes high tempers or frustration. A minority of players sometimes choose to leave a game early creating issues for the other players. If you wish to cancel a game due to a teammate leaving there are two sets of procedure as detailed below.

If a player leaves a game at the beginning of overtime, the following applies:

  1. You must contact an admin before overtime progresses beyond the 12-12 scoreline.
  2. You must toggle your !pause to prevent the game from progressing.

If the responding admin verifies that the player does not intend to rejoin, the game will be cancelled and both teams will receive six (6) leaderboard points as equivalent to a draw result. The player who abandoned the game will have their full leaderboard points removed and be issued a 48 hour ban.

Repeated leaving of games will result in progressively increasing queue cooldowns (see 6.XI.).

Note: Admins responding to your ticket will base their decisions ONLY on the score printed to them at the moment an admin is contacted.


Individual connection issues are defined as:

"high ping, variance, choke, loss or skipping affecting a player that is not a confirmable server issue."

An admin may ask you to type "status" in the console and then provide a screenshot of the result.

For players with individual connection issues the following applies:

  1. You must contact an admin before any rounds have been completed.
  2. You must toggle your !pause to prevent the game from beginning.
  3. You must inform the responding admin whether this issue is location related and can be resolved with a different location, or if the issue is unknown and may persist regardless of location.

If no rounds have been completed:

  • A rehost may be granted allowing for a new server location to be selected. Team and map choices must remain the same.
  • In the case of the issue being unknown and persistent the admin may choose to cancel the game.

If one (1) or more rounds have been completed:

  • A rehost may only be granted if both teams agree in the majority (3/5 players).

Cancellations for individual player connection issues are not guaranteed and are at the discretion of the responding admin.


In certain situations where a game is suffering a Major Disruption a senior admin may allow a game to be cancelled at any stage.

Major Disruption is defined as an event that is causing the game to be unplayable for one or both teams. The determination of whether there is Major Disruption in a game is at the discretion of senior admins on a case by case basis.

If the following are occurring and you believe they are severe in nature, you may request an admin to observe the game:

  • Repeated Friendly Fire by one or more individuals
  • Repeated and extreme Hate Speech by one or more individuals
  • Repeated Griefing by one or more individuals
  • Repeated Throwing by one or more individuals

All forms of cheating are strictly forbidden, including but not limited to ESP (wallhacks, radar hacks), aim hacking (silent aim, aimbotting, triggerbotting) and mobility hacks.

Players caught cheating will be permanently banned from Mythic League.

All forms of scripting and macros are forbidden, including but not limited to:

  • Bunnyhop scripts/macros
  • Accuracy scripts or single-bullet fire scripts
  • Anti-recoil scripts/macros
  • Name change scripting
  • Offensive text binds

Exceptions to this rule are:

  • Buy binds
  • Jump throw scripts
  • Non-offensive text binds

Exploits are forbidden, this includes but is not limited to:

  • Pixel walking
  • Transparent textures

Mythic League offers a team of admins that are: motivated, well trained, respectful, helpful and fair.

If you feel that a decision made by an admin has violated any of our rules as written here or has abused their position please create a report on our Support Site . Select the infraction "Admin Abuse" and explain to the best of your ability what happened and why you believe it was admin abuse.

Please do not argue with the admin involved or publicly comment about your suspected admin abuse as this is not productive behavior. You may be muted to prevent community disruption.

This type of report will be exclusively handled by Mythic League management.


Mythic League was created to offer a competitive environment for Counter-Strike that welcomes new and experienced players alike, while encouraging sportsmanship and gameplay development. Mythic League players are expected to demonstrate respect for their peers and the Support Staff. Players berating their team or teammates due to a questionable or poor play will not be tolerated; this behavior will be swiftly and appropriately handled by our Support Staff.

The following headings describe behaviors or actions that will not be tolerated in Mythic League. Players behaving contrary to the Code of Conduct will receive appropriately measured punishments, including: Short-Term Suspension, Long-Term Suspension, or Permanent Removal from the hub.


Mythic League players are expected to treat their matches seriously and therefore behave appropriately. Gameplay in which a player is not playing in a serious manner will not be tolerated.

This behavior may include:

  • Continuous Force Buying / Not buying with your team
  • Repeatedly purchasing or using “troll” weapons
  • Ignoring team communication
  • Not playing with your team / playing solo
  • Going AFK at the beginning of rounds
  • Being AFK for significant periods of time

Behavior that is deemed detrimental or disruptive to Mythic League and/or the integrity of the game may result in removal from the League.

This can include but is not limited to:

  • Continuous disruptive behavior anywhere in the League
  • Repeated poor behavior following multiple warnings or punishments
  • Arguing with or harassing any member of staff
  • Repeated Support Abuse

We do not tolerate threats towards other users in Mythic League.

This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Messages indicating a threat of bodily harm or violence towards another user.
  • Instructing a fellow player to harm or kill themselves.

Voice communication is mandatory in Mythic League. You must be an authorized member of our Discord server and remain connected to your team’s Discord channel for the duration your match.

The following behavior is strictly prohibited:

  • Muting and deafening yourself
  • Muting your teammates in Discord or in-game
  • Failing to make necessary callouts in Discord (or in-game if an admin has instructed you to. Refer to 3. Communication and/or 4.II New Members where appropriate)

The exceptions for muting teammates are as follows:

  • Muting an extremely toxic teammate
  • Muting a teammate that is harassing yourself or another
  • Muting a teammate that is continually spamming the microphone either in Discord or in-game

If you have muted a teammate you must file a report on our Support Site with clear evidence as to why it was necessary to mute this teammate.

Failure to provide sufficient evidence for muting a teammate will result in a Failure to Communicate penalty.


Incidents of intentional team killing and/or team damage.

This includes retaliatory team killing or team damage regardless of whether another user attacks you first as well as in response to another user’s behavior.

Instances of friendly fire will result in a minimum penalty of a 24 hour queue cooldown. Excessive friendly fire will result in extended queue cooldowns and includes the potential for immediate removal from Mythic League.


Any behavior which inhibits a teammate's ability to play the game will be considered griefing.

This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Intentionally blocking teammates
  • Intentionally team flashing
  • Stealing dropped weapons
  • Microphone spamming
  • Text spamming of any kind including: binds, foreign languages and symbols

Targeted toxicity from specific user(s) towards other user(s) over multiple instances.

Releasing any personal information of any other player will lead to a suspension from the league.


Messages referencing a person's race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or disabilities will lead to an extended ban in Mythic League.

Images and symbols that are offensive in nature are forbidden. This can include but is not limited to:

  • Discord profile pictures
  • FACEIT banner and or profile pictures
  • Steam profile pictures or content

If you are displaying an offensive image or symbol you will be asked to remove or change it at the minimum; you may also receive an extended punishment.

We do not tolerate casual use of offensive terminology and you will be warned or punished appropriately.


If a player is intoxicated and there is a clear effect on their performance or the experience of other players in the match, the user will be given a minimum of a 24-hour queue ban.


Below are the following cooldowns for match abuse:

  • Didn't accept match: 3 minutes.
    • User failed to Accept the queue, refer to Section 5 if you use FACEIT Enhancer.
    • Scaling: None
  • Captain no-pick: 5 minutes.
    • User selected as Captain failed to make a selection for their team.
    • Scaling: 1st - 24 Hours | 2nd - 24 Hours | 3rd - 3 Days | 4th - 7 Days
  • Didn't Connect (AFK): 20 minutes.
    • User failed to connect to a game that was properly configured within the 5 minute join timer.
    • Scaling: 1st - 24 Hours | 2nd - 24 Hours | 3rd - 3 Days | 4th - 7 Days
  • Leaver: 24 hours (Gold, Silver, Bronze)
    • User disconnected from a game and failed to rejoin within 5 minutes or not at all.
    • Scaling: 1st - 3 Days | 2nd - 7 Days | 3rd - 7 Days

Scaling is the steady increase of ban lengths for the above described Match Abuse cooldowns following repeated offences.


Scaling of bans is designed to discourage repeat offenders from "dodging" and leaving matches through extended punishments whilst allowing players with genuine technical issues to not be knocked out of the game for long periods of time.


The Mythic League Bot tracks the amount and type of queue bans that each user in the League receives and follows our guidelines when a user exceeds the maximum amount of each type of ban allowed within a 30 day rolling period.

For AFK (fail to connect) and Leaver bans each scaling event takes place on the third (3rd) cooldown that is logged. For Captain no-pick each scaling event takes place on the fifth (5th) cooldown that is logged. After receiving a scaled ban the user will revert to receiving the default cooldowns listed above until they trigger the next scaling event. This cycle will continue and the length of the upgraded bans will steadily increase up until a 7 day cooldown. Beyond this point the Mythic League management will discuss whether the player needs to be removed from the League as continued Match Abuse degrades the experience for all other users.


We will not remove Captain No-Pick or AFK (Didn’t Connect) bans under any circumstances other than the following exceptions:

  • A known FACEIT issue such as: platform down or a bug communicated to us or confirmable directly by FACEIT.
  • A known Steam issue such as: Counter-Strike logins down, Steam down or another widespread verifiable Steam issue.
  • A Counter-Strike update.

NOTE: During Steam or FACEIT outages we will do our best to remove AFK (Didn’t Connect) bans. However, ultimately the responsibility rests with the player to inform us as soon as they receive the ban, as it will count towards your scaled bans threshold (see above) if not removed. There is no guarantee that these bans will be removed at a later time or date, even if they were the result of Steam or FACEIT outages.

Leaver bans may only be removed if one of the following applies:

  • Player reconnected and played the remainder of the game.
  • Player can produce an outage map from their service provider (either internet or power).

If you were able to reconnect to a game that you became disconnected from and play the remainder, please contact an admin in the #support channel on our Discord and have a teammate confirm. Alternatively you may provide the matchroom URL for that game and an admin will verify through the GOTV that you reconnected.

NOTE: Regardless of whether a game is about to be cancelled, please DO NOT leave the server before you are automatically removed. You will receive an AFK (Didn't Connect) cooldown and we will not lift it.


The !pause feature available in Mythic League matches is intended to be used in the event that an admin must be contacted for assistance. In the event of a player having a technical issue you may use the !pause feature, however if before the completion of six (6) rounds, you must also contact an admin.

Admins may pause the match manually if they deem it necessary, however players should not expect this. Use your 5 minute !pause time wisely and do not waste it under the assumption an admin will extend it for you.

The !pause feature can be used at your team's discretion but should not be abused. The following may be considered Pause Abuse by our admin team and includes, but is not limited to:

  • Trolling of any kind
  • Pausing without good reason
  • Unpausing the enemy team's pause
  • Unpausing whilst a user is communicating with an admin

Players found to be abusing the !pause feature may be subject to a minimum of a 24 hour Pause Abuse cooldown.


Many Mythic League players are also aspiring streamers, or in some cases already established streamers. We want to support this to the best of our ability, therefore we will not prohibit users from streaming their games when playing in Mythic League.

We do however strongly suggest that you use a delay, preferably a minimum of 30 seconds. This will help to protect you from the potential of an enemy team member viewing your stream for information they may abuse against you.

Please consider that if you stream without delay you are not only potentially impacting your own gameplay experience, but also the experience of your teammates who did not have any say in your decision to stream the game.

If you chose to stream - especially without delay - please remember that you do so at your own risk. If you believe someone is stream sniping please report them and provide comprehensive and specific evidence.


Viewing the stream of a player on the enemy team is strictly prohibited. You may not under any circumstances view or use information from an enemy player’s stream on any platform to gain an advantage.

Players found to be engaging in Stream Sniping will receive a minimum of a seven (7) day queue ban.


Abusing the Support system that Mythic League offers in any way will result in strict penalties.

This includes but is not limited to:

  • Behaving in a rude or disrespectful manner towards a member of the admin team
  • Failing to respect and accept a decision made by a member of the admin team after their decision and position have been clearly stated
  • Continually arguing with an admin regarding a ban that has been issued may result in further consequences
  • Harassing any member of the admin team with unsolicited and/or continuous direct messages
  • Repeatedly calling an admin for an issue that was already resolved
  • Repeatedly filing erroneous or unnecessary reports
  • Repeatedly tagging either a specific admin or all support members in Discord or in the hub overview

Mythic League admins are volunteers who are here to enforce the rules and apply judgements that are fair to all involved parties. Abuse will not be tolerated.


Behaviors that show a clear attempt to lose the game or round are considered throwing.

This includes but is not limited to:

  • Making little or no attempt to kill enemies
  • Giving up your life on purpose without attempting to contribute in any way
  • Giving up the bomb or the position or equipment of your team in any way

Mythic League is a competitive community and we offer prizes as reward for your performance. As such we expect you to play to the best of your ability at all times.


Any form of leaderboard manipulation will result in immediate removal from Mythic League and the forfeiture of any and all pending prizes.

Intentionally (or otherwise) throwing FACEIT matches anywhere on the platform in order to maintain a lower ELO and/or maintain your leaderboard position, will result in suspension from Mythic League and forfeiture of any prizes.

This includes but is not limited to:

  • Free and Premium queues
  • Mythic League Community games
  • Other Organizers
  • Competitions

Any language in either text or voice that is considered abusive or disruptive to other players.

This includes but is not limited to:

  • Constantly criticizing another player’s skill or decision making.
  • Swearing at or shouting at your teammates, creating a hostile environment.

Giving suggestions or advice to players in game can help you learn and grow as a player. Doing so in a positive way is encouraged in Mythic League. Be mindful of your inflection and tone as to not come across in a hostile manner.

Learning to accept constructive criticism that is presented in a friendly and polite manner is an important part of growing as a player and as a person. Please do not respond to another player’s advice in a toxic way.

Toxicity will be punished regardless of where it occurs, including but not limited to: Discord voice or text, hub chat or in-game voice or text.


Mythic League is a North American, Central Hub. In order to provide the best experience for all players our Divisions have geographical restrictions. In order to participate in Mythic League you must reside in one of the following whitelisted locations:

Canada; Mexico; United States of America; Anguilla; Antigua and Barbuda; Aruba; Bahamas; Barbados; Belize; Bermuda; Cayman Islands; Costa Rica; Curacao; Dominica; Dominican Republic; El Salvador; Greenland; Grenada; Guadeloupe; Haiti; Honduas; Jamaica; Martinique; Montserrat; Nicaragua; Puerto Rico; Saint Barthelemy; Saints Kitts and Nevis; Saint Lucia; Saint Pierre and Miquelon; Saint Vincent and the Grenadines; Saint Eustatius and Saba; Trinidad and Tobago; Turks and Caicos Islands; United States MOI.

Players found to be participating from any locations that are not listed above or have circumvented these geographical restrictions will be removed from the League.

Mythic League reserves the right to remove players with unstable connections that are consistently harming the competitive nature of the game. If a player is removed and resides within the approved countries for the league, they will be eligible for reimbursement.


Registering multiple FACEIT accounts is against the FACEIT Terms of Service and is strictly prohibited.

You may not register an alternate account for any reason, including

  • Attempting to evade a FACEIT issued ban
  • Attempting to evade a Mythic League issued ban
  • Attempting to evade a Valve issued ban (VAC/Game bans less than 365 days old)
  • Attempting to play at a lower skill level in order to win prizes

All alternate accounts will be removed from Mythic League and suspended from the FACEIT platform and are not eligible for refunds of any kind. Players who register an alternate account will receive no less than a three (3) day queue ban on their main account.

Mythic League relinquishes all responsibility in the event of:

  • Users wishing to switch to a different FACEIT account.
  • Users wishing to change the Steam account associated with their FACEIT account.
  • Users who lose access to either their Steam or FACEIT account.

Mythic League reserves the right to indefinitely suspend user accounts that are considered to be suspicious in any form.

Suspended account holders may be asked to provide further information in order to have their suspension removed. If the information provided by the account holder does not satisfactorily explain the suspicious aspect(s) of the account, it will remain suspended.

All suspension related queries and communications will be handled strictly through the suspension Warning on our support website support.mythicleague.com and through no other channels.


Users found to be evading a previously issued Mythic League ban will:

  • Have the evading account permanently removed from Mythic League
  • Have the ban on their original account extended

Any attempt to evade a permanent ban issued by Mythic League may void the account holder from future appeals to return to the league.


The security of each user’s account is the responsibility of the owner and as such we expect that each user will take the appropriate steps towards maintaining their account security.

Ensure your account security by:

  • Enabling 2-step or 2-factor authorization on all possible accounts (email, FACEIT, Steam)
  • Ensuring that no other users are allowed access at any point to any of your accounts
  • Do not click untrusted links that are sent to you
  • Do not divulge personal or account information to unknown soliciting party

Refer to: https://ml-face.it/faceit2fa and https://ml-face.it/steamguard to ensure that your FACEIT and Steam accounts are using the highest level of security


Please report users who are breaking rules by creating a report through the Mythic League support portal . Evidence must be provided for each report submitted.

We recommend that you setup NVIDIA Instant Replay (Shadowplay), or any third party software to record your in-game communications, as this is not recorded in the match GOTV. We do not expect you to record your entire game, simply use the instant replay feature to record the incidents when and if they occur.

We have provided some video tutorial to help you get started:


Please be as specific as possible when submitting reports, including the approximate rounds in which the incident occured. Reports without user submitted evidence or any indication that evidence can be found within the GOTV itself will be closed immediately without action.


Depending on the type of infraction you received a ban for, you may be eligible to appeal the decision and have the ban either shortened or removed.

To find out whether your ban is eligible for appeal please refer to the warnings page OR refer to the email you received automatically if you have email notifications enabled.

If you feel you have been unfairly banned and are eligible to appeal, you may click the appeal button and leave a comment explaining why you think the ban was made in error or should be repealed.

Appeals are handled exclusively by Mythic League management.


Each division operates on a one (1) month season length. You can see the end date and time local to yourself of each season if you navigate to your division’s hub and select Leaderboards.

Bronze, Silver, Gold, Ruby, and Diamond Divisions operate with leaderboards that reset every two (2) weeks with the top ten (10) placing individuals receiving prizes.

Prizes are distributed as follows:
Bronze and Silver - 1st to 5th place, Counter-Strike Weapon Skin, 6th to 10th place, 6500FP
Gold - 1st to 5th place, Counter-Strike Weapon Skin, 6th to 10th place, 12000FP
Ruby - 1st to 10th place, Counter-Strike Weapon Skin
Diamond - 1st to 5th, Paypal Cash payout

Prizes for all divisions are confirmed by your position at the end of each leaderboard and are distributed following the conclusion of each season (end of each month) within two (2) to four (4) weeks.

Players in all divisions should remember to set their Steam tradelink on their Mythic League profile page and ensure that their Steam profile privacy allows incoming trade offers. Players in Mythic Diamond should remember to additionally set their PayPal address on their Mythic League profile page if you place for a cash prize.

Players have 90 days after the conclusion of the monthly season to submit their tradelink, after which the prize is forfeit.


The following rules apply only for participating Mythic League Diamond members:


Mythic Diamond will utilize a private TeamSpeak server for the match communications. Mythic Diamond utilizes the same whitelisted AUTO-VOIP Discord as all other Mythic League divisions. All players must be present and communicate effectively throughout the entire duration of a match.


Players may request cancellation of a match within the first 10 rounds of the game. You must use the Contact Admin function in the matchroom lobby before round 11 begins. After 10 rounds are completed the game will continue regardless. If after 10 rounds the majority of both teams agree, the match can still be cancelled, however we would expect this to be a rarity.


Didn’t Accept: 3 Minutes
Captain Failed to Pick: 5 Minutes
Didn’t Connect: 2 Hours
Leaver: 1 Day

The above match abuse cooldowns will not stack automatically as with other Mythic divisions, however they will be tracked and displayed to admins.

We will not tolerate match abuse (dodging, leaving) whatsoever in Mythic Diamond. Players who have a pattern of any of these ban types that we suspect is abuse will be removed from the division.

If you are disconnected from a match in progress:

  • Contact @support in the #support channel of the Mythic League discord and inform us. Make all attempts to rejoin and complete the match where possible.
  • Your team will be able to pause for you, if you are certain you will be able to rejoin but need more time than the team has remaining in their pause, contact an admin and request an extension of the pause. Admins will grant pause extensions for you to rejoin but the length of time they will extend the pause for will be based on their own discretion.

Rejoined the game:

If you received a Leaver ban but were able to rejoin and play the game to completion, please come to the #support channel after the game concludes and ask an admin to unban you. Admins will review the logs for the game and confirm that you rejoined before removing your Leaver ban.

Internet/Power outages:

If you are unable to rejoin a match regardless of connection issues you will receive a 1 day ban that will not be lifted.

If you receive a Leaver ban due to either your internet or power suffering an outage, you must present the supplier’s official outage report to an admin.

NOTE: Please do not share private personal details directly in the #support channel. Wait to direct message the responding admin.


The only time we will remove this category of ban is when there is a Counter-Strike update, FACEIT platform outage or Steam/Counter-Strike outage.

NOTE: Corrupted client sided files are not included here.


We will never remove this category of ban.


The current captain selection method enabled in Mythic Diamond is “leaderboard placement”.


Match Medic will only be used by admins in the following circumstances:

  • Serious server disruption
  • Complete server failure
  • Two or more players with a ping consistently 150 or above

The responding admin will make an informed decision after assessing the situation before approving or denying a Match Medic. You may be asked to provide screenshots, clips or console output.

If the above circumstances are not present but both teams agree to move server location it will still be possible.

If both teams agree in the majority a server location change may be granted.


Unsportsmanlike behavior will not be tolerated in Mythic Diamond.

We expect that all Mythic Diamond players to conduct themselves appropriately at all times and in all aspects of the division. We will not tolerate Toxicity, Anti-Competitive gameplay, Friendly Fire (zero tolerance), disruption or misconduct of any kind.


We expect that all players in Mythic Diamond will:

  • Play to the best of their ability in every game
  • Maintain the best possible mindset in every game
  • Treat their peers with respect at all times
  • Treat the support staff with respect at all times
  • Refrain from holding grudges against their peers based on previous interactions

Players who refuse to follow these principles will be removed.

This division was created for players at and just below the FPL - Challenger level of skill, in order for players to improve and play with equally skilled and like minded players. Players who cannot abide by the principles of the division will face penalty - regardless of their skill, status or level of experience.

There is to be no retaliation in game either, you will be treated the same whether or not you instigated any argument or incident.


All reports against players and appeals regarding any punishments must be submitted through the Mythic League support website (support.mythicleague.com). It is unacceptable to directly message any member of the support staff through Discord, FACEIT or Steam in regards to reports, punishments or player performance. All matters are to be handled privately through our support system. Players who are unable to follow these instructions and contact support staff directly will be ignored and may have any appeal closed summarily.


If you require further support, please @Support in the #support channel of our Discord server.